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Ba Futuru Brochure

Check out our brochure and learn more about the training and behavior change communication work that Ba Futuru offers.


Training Manuals
Ba Futuru has various curriculums and training manuals that have been developed by its staff and volunteers since 2004. All manuals are primarily in the English and Tetun languages. These manuals can be used by local governments, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), churches, Community-Based Organisations (CBOs) and individuals as part of formal or informal education.
Ba Futuru’s manuals focus on child protection, conflict resolution, leadership, advocacy, conflict transformation, decision making, trauma healing, gender and youth empowerment, gender equity, gender-based violence, human rights, child rights and positive discipline.
Key points on Ba Futuru’s training methodology:
  • Quality training manuals in the predominant local language in Timor-Leste (Tetun)
  • Simple language and frequent use of graphics to simplify learning
  • Skilled Timorese facilitators with experience on training topics
  • Participatory education techniques to engage illiterate and uneducated populations
  • Follow up in communities to ensure use of knowledge and skills gained through training workshops

Women’s Leadership Training Manual 

Ba Futuru has developed a training manual on women’s leadership in partnership with UNWomen and IWDA, and with financial support from the Government of Japan. It is available for all to use and is in the Tetun language.

Women’s Leadership Manual (Tetun language)

Good Decisions Good Leadership Manual 

This manual can be used to promote inclusive decision-making and leadership. This is a Tetun-language translation of the ‘Gud Disisons Gud Lidasip’ Manual developed by Live & Learn Solomon Islands. The Tetun version of the guide was desgined by Ba Futuru in partnership with UNWomen and IWDA, and with financial support from the Government of Japan. Selected modules were trialled by Ba Futuru and our local partners in training activities in three municipalities in Timor Leste.

Good Decisions Good Leadership Manual (Tetun language)

Participatory Education Teacher Training Manual 

Ba Futuru has developed a teacher training manual and films on positive classroom management and participatory education so that teachers that do not have access to the actual training in person can also gain important knowledge and skills in order to provide higher quality education in their classroom. The teacher training film series and manual  deals with the following topics: Lesson Planning, Classroom Management, Conflict Management, Non-violent Communication, Games, Group Work, Comprehension Questions, Brainstorming, Evaluation, Inclusivity, and Child Protection.

Participatory Education 8-Part Film Series

Lessons Learned – Simple and Effective Strategies for Transforming Timorese Classrooms

Lessons Learned: Simple and Effective Strategies for Transforming Timorese Classrooms is an educational toolkit for teachers and educators comprising a publication and 30-minute DVD. The toolkit comes out of NGO Ba Futuru’s project Strengthening Peace in the Lives of Children: Stopping the Violence, which ran between 2011 and 2012 in three school communities in Timor-Leste.  With Lessons Learned, teachers and other school staff can learn together about how positive classroom management is possible, and see how other teachers and schools in Timor-Leste have successfully changed their discipline methods to create more positive classrooms, benefiting students and teachers alike.
The Lessons Learned publication and DVD are available in EnglishTetun and Portuguese.

Positive Discipline Manual – Use of Non-Violence with Children: A Guide for Teachers and Childcare Staff in Timor-Leste
The first edition of the manual “Positive Discipline – A Guide on Non-Violent Discipline” detailing the importance of non-violent discipline and the negative affects of physical punishment, was published in April of 2006.
The Positive Discipline Manual provides ideas for non-violent strategies of working with children. It dispels common misconceptions that people have about physical punishment including: physical punishment is an effective way to manage behavior; “I got hit when I was a child and I turned out okay;” “If we don’t spank children, they’ll grow up rotten;” that violence is part of Timor-Leste culture, and that the Bible supports the use of physical violence. It also gives a comprehensive range of non-violent discipline strategies and explains the negative impacts of the use of physical discipline on children’s mental and physical heath as well on a society overall.


UNESCO’s Positive Discipline Manual in Tetun and English



Ba Futuru’s Transformative Arts and Human Rights Education (TAHRE) Program was developed in 2004 to strengthen the capacity of the Timorese to create and sustain peace in Timor-Leste. The primary curriculum of the TAHRE Program is called the TAHRE Guide and was originally used with children in orphanages. The TAHRE Guide teaches participants about their own rights, the rights of others, and how to reduce violence in their everyday lives. There are two versions of the TAHRE Guide currently being used: one for youth and adults, and one for children.
The version of the TAHRE Guide that has been developed for youth and adults provides skill development in the areas of human rights, child protection, mediation, decision making, gender-based violence, legal frameworks for protection, civic education, conflict mapping, conflict analysis, negotiation and conflict transformation. The most recent adult and youth version was updated in 2013, while the children’s version is from several years ago.


Protection Empowerment and Conflict Transformation (PECT) Manual
The PECT Manual builds on Ba Futuru’s Transformative Arts and Human Rights Education Guide, which has been used in Timor-Leste since 2004. However the PECT Manual includes additional topics of gender-based violence, child protection and positive discipline.


External Evaluations of Ba Futuru’s Projects


Child Protection Reports on Timor-Leste

Written by Child Frontiers with research support from Ba Futuru


Domin Nakloke film series impact









 Strategic Plan Summary


Policy Recommendations 

Improving Grassroots Protection for Women and Children
Ba Futuru’s Empowering Women and Establishing Grassroots Protection Mechanisms Project will release annual policy recommendations during the three-year duration of the project. Recommendations and insights contained within this brief highlight needs and gaps identified in the current protection systems in Timor-Leste so that they can be understood and addressed.
​October 2014
October 2013
February 2013