Other Publications
Ba Futuru Brochure
Check out our brochure and learn more about the training and behavior change communication work that Ba Futuru offers.
- Quality training manuals in the predominant local language in Timor-Leste (Tetun)
- Simple language and frequent use of graphics to simplify learning
- Skilled Timorese facilitators with experience on training topics
- Participatory education techniques to engage illiterate and uneducated populations
- Follow up in communities to ensure use of knowledge and skills gained through training workshops
Ba Futuru has developed a training manual on women’s leadership in partnership with UNWomen and IWDA, and with financial support from the Government of Japan. It is available for all to use and is in the Tetun language.
Women’s Leadership Manual (Tetun language)
This manual can be used to promote inclusive decision-making and leadership. This is a Tetun-language translation of the ‘Gud Disisons Gud Lidasip’ Manual developed by Live & Learn Solomon Islands. The Tetun version of the guide was desgined by Ba Futuru in partnership with UNWomen and IWDA, and with financial support from the Government of Japan. Selected modules were trialled by Ba Futuru and our local partners in training activities in three municipalities in Timor Leste.
Participatory Education Teacher Training Manual
Ba Futuru has developed a teacher training manual and films on positive classroom management and participatory education so that teachers that do not have access to the actual training in person can also gain important knowledge and skills in order to provide higher quality education in their classroom. The teacher training film series and manual deals with the following topics: Lesson Planning, Classroom Management, Conflict Management, Non-violent Communication, Games, Group Work, Comprehension Questions, Brainstorming, Evaluation, Inclusivity, and Child Protection.
Participatory Education 8-Part Film Series
Lessons Learned – Simple and Effective Strategies for Transforming Timorese Classrooms
Child Protection Reports on Timor-Leste
Strategic Plan Summary
Policy Recommendations